School Policies & Procedures
at Optima Academy Online

Nonsectarian Policy and Anti-Discrimination Policy
No person shall, on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, sex, national origin (including English language learners), marital status, disability or any legally protected class, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School, except as provided by law.
The School shall comply with all state and federal laws, which prohibit discrimination and are designed to protect the civil rights of applicants, employees, and/or students, or other persons protected by applicable law.
The School shall admit students to programs and classes without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin.
Teacher Responsibilities
- Grade work in a timely manner
- Provide detailed feedback on student work
- Monitor student performance and suggest methods for improvement
- Conduct office hours to provide instructional support to students
- Attend faculty and team meeting
- Stay current with educational trends
- Maintain teacher certification
For more information on Professional Growth and Professional Development please see the Disclosure Document.
- Communicate effectively (student-focused) with students, parents, and administration.
- Monitor the tone of communication to be clear and professional.
- Present subject-matter expertise and demonstrate best practices.
- Utilize differentiated methods of communication to reach all types of learners (email, phone, Engage VR platform, Canvas, and Zoom).
Student Learning and academic growth are at the forefront of our priorities. This requires that we have an effective teacher in every classroom and effective leadership within the online school. Teachers’ performance will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Student Responsibilities
The organization believes that children learn in a variety of ways, and that our teachers provide an environment that meets the needs of our students. Utilizing our approach to education we believe that through student engagement we reduce the number of behavioral concerns within the classroom. However, we realize that when dealing with children, issues may arise which may require the school to address student behavior. In doing so, the school believes behavioral correction should be a learning opportunity, where students are given the opportunity to learn and demonstrate appropriate behavior, and cooperatively accept responsibility and be accountable for their actions. The organization believes we have a unique partnership with like-minded parents who share this philosophy of behavioral management and positive parental role modeling.
For more information regarding the Student Code of Conduct, Bullying and Harassment, damage or loss of school property, please reference the Disclosure Requirements.
Parent Responsibilities
Parents will receive a username and password to the Canvas LMS for parent-teacher communications and in order to monitor their students’ progress.
Academic Accountability
Optima Academy Online will facilitate the monitoring of all student progress. Students and parents will have online access to student grades on a real-time basis. Interim report cards will be distributed to students earning below a C. Quarterly report cards, including teacher comments, will be provided to parents. Also, regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences will be offered. Parents will have online access to all graded assignments and teachers will communicate reminders to parents to review assignments on a regular basis. FSA and other standardized assessment results will be provided to parents on a timely basis.
The dean of students will regularly analyze student performance data and will meet with teachers to review data and create plans and strategies as needed to improve students at all levels of achievement. Teachers, who are daily interacting with students and assessing their performance, are the first line in identifying potential areas of need, and are expected to proactively raise concerns so student performance deficits can be mitigated and remediation maximized. Optima Domi also recognizes the importance of sharing assessment results with parents and the general community. The dean of students will be responsible for the effective dissemination of this information to parents.
Academic Integrity
Optima Academy Online will verify authenticity of student work. Central to maintaining the academic integrity of the online program is the interaction between grade-level teachers and students facilitated by the Canvas learning management system (LMS), which may be the most advanced, reliable and user-friendly central hub available. Over the past 10+ years, Canvas has been tested and refined in hundreds of educational environments. Because of its robust design and capabilities, Canvas functions as both an LMS and a content management system (CMS), which simplifies the interface for all users. Canvas contains an incredible array of features that allow the teacher to verify the authenticity of student work and integrate seamlessly with other tools that Optima Domi finds essential to delivering a high-quality classical education equivalent to what is provided in established Optima academies. Communication on how to submit assignments will be clear and accessible to all students through Optima Domi’s online platform.
Technology applications will be used in addition to Canvas to test for authenticity, including the use of cameras for assessment security and online plagiarism search engines. Academic integrity will be enforced with consequences as explained in the student handbook and code of student conduct.
Participation in Florida's Statewide Assessment Program
The Florida Department of Education requires that all virtual students enrolled in Optima Academy Online must participate in end-of-course exams.
Some Florida school districts may also require that students participate in the Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading (FAIR). As an Online Course Provider, Optima Academy Online does not administer Florida’s statewide assessments, but instead works directly with school district partners to ensure that students and parents are provided with information about the testing and testing schedules.
- For Florida home education students enrolled in a course administered by the virtual instruction provider, OptimaEd, and in accordance with Florida statute 1002.41, home education students may participate in state sponsored assessments, but participation is not required. Benchmark and progress monitoring testing, and any other assessments administered directly by the school or virtual instruction provider are required. Please contact your student’s teacher or the Head of School for questions on testing.
Attendance and Participation Requirements
Optima Academy Online’s secondary education program will adhere to all district school calendar days for all students enrolled in the District Virtual Instruction Program. Since our virtual program is available 24/7 secondary students will be allowed to work at any time.
Both the LMS (Canvas) and the Student Information System maintain student usage information and display that usage on a daily basis. Attendance records will be continually kept and may be downloaded or printed for record keeping purposes. Therefore, there is no need for online teachers or parents to keep daily attendance records. Optima Academy Online teachers will have the responsibility of monitoring the students’ daily work. Optima Academy Online has policies that call for teachers to closely monitor student attendance/work to make sure students are on track and on task.
Through our agreement with any school district, Optima Academy Online will strictly adhere to any district guidelines regarding attendance that the district virtual school administration establishes as district policy. All our records can be monitored and will be maintained for the purpose of auditing.
Attendance is an important component of a successful virtual school experience. In order to maximize academic growth, students must remain engaged in their classes. Attendance is measured at EdOptions Academy in two ways:
- Log Activity recorded in the Student Information System (SIS).
- Participation by way of assignment completion.
Students must log into their accounts and access their classes each day. A log in to class is the equivalent of attending school each day. Any designated school day where the student does not log into a class will be considered an absence.
In order to earn credit for a class at EdOptions Academy, students must complete all course work and pass the Final Exam (End of Semester Test). A pacing guide is set up for each course listing the assignments to be completed each week by the student. If a student fails to complete any assignments for a class during the week, regardless of whether the student logged in, the student will be considered absent from that class for the week.
At the completion of each nine week period, EdOptions Academy will report to the home district the attendance and participation for each student.
The state of Florida defines truancy as follows:
Florida law defines “habitual truant” as a student who has 15 or more unexcused absences within 90 calendar days with or without the knowledge or consent of the student’s parent or guardian, and who is subject to compulsory school attendance.
Students who are determined to be habitual truant, either by not logging into classes each day, or by not participating in each class weekly, will be reported to the home district as truant and removed from the EdOptions Academy VIP school after consultation with the home district. Warning letters will be sent to the student, parent, and district after 5 unexcused absences, and again after 10 unexcused absences in an attempt to successfully intervene and preserve the student’s enrollment.
Title IX
Read more about Title IX here: