
Public Information

Academic Performance: N/A

Programs at the school:
o   OptimaEd Classical Education Curriculum
o   Fine arts instruction
o   Advanced courses
o   Foreign language (i.e. Latin)
o   Exceptional Student Education
o   English Language Learners program
o   Extracurricular activities (clubs, field trips, etc.)
o   Management companies, service providers, or education management corporations associated with the school: OptimaEd
OAO Code of Student Conduct

School’s Annual Budget:
2023-2024 Budget

Schools Annual Independent Fiscal Audit:

School’s grade pursuant to s. 1008.34:

Per Florida Statute 1006.061 Reporting of Child Abuse:
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

Per Florida Statute 1006.061 Reporting of Professional Misconduct:
Educator Misconduct Brochure
Educator Misconduct Poster

Workers’ Compensation Information:
FL Workers’ Compensation

Employee Evaluation System:
Optima Teacher & Team Member Evaluation Rubric

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA is a Federal law requiring that the school, with certain exceptions, obtain a parent’s/guardian’s written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s educational records. You can learn more here and here.​​​​
Student Progression Plan
Academic Calendar

OCA General Academic Policies (includes process for objections to instructional materials)

Policy 3800

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