First Grade


Language Arts

Students will use read-aloud and early-reader literature, fables, and sayings as the base for integrated experiences with developing reading fluency, comprehension, speaking, listening, and handwriting. Students will also engage in grammar development.


We utilize the Singapore Math Dimensions curriculum which prioritizes the use of manipulatives, hands-on learning, and a progression from concrete to abstract (i.e., from a physical/demonstrable understanding of concepts to an applied, written application). Taught with a blend of group and individual learning opportunities, the course builds foundational number sense and logic skills.


Our science curriculum follows the Core Knowledge Science curriculum sequencing, and is enriched with both virtual and Socratic experiences, hands-on learning opportunities, and seeks to build a foundational understanding of the world around our students, and how they can seek to understand and classify it.

Social Studies

Focused on building a foundational understanding of geography to build an awareness of context and location as students begin to engage the study of history. Drawing from both the Core Knowledge curriculum sequence as well as OptimaEd enrichment experiences and activities, our Social Studies course builds the foundations of civic understanding for students.

Physical Education

Students learn new and important physical skills, develop a habit of fitness activities, and learn to develop a healthy mindset of responsibility and self-respect.


Students learn to recognize and interpret specific elements of music, apply their knowledge to forming technique, and finally to connect the subject of music to others across the curriculum in meaningful ways.


Students learn to recognize and interpret specific elements of music, apply their knowledge to forming technique, and finally to connect the subject of music to others across the curriculum in meaningful ways.

What is art like in VR? Teaching Art in VR opens so many new possibilities for scholars. A simple lesson about color theory becomes completely immersive in VR. By surrounding the scholars with an environment, they can engage with the content instead of just see it on a screen or book.


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