Enrichment Offerings
in Texas
OAO is Now Available in Texas!
Virtual Reality Field Trips

We offer a 12-month subscription to our VR Field Trips. During these months, you can spend as much time in our uniquely created Metaverse environments as you like. Each environment has its own theme, learning experiences and adventures. Plus, each adventure in our explorations is a single user experience, aside from our in-system learning guides, offering you top safety as you journey through.

On-Demand Student Paced Courses

Whether adding to your home learner program, supplementing your school schedule, looking for an online school alternative, or wanting to experience virtual reality in a safe, fun environment, Optima Academy Online has courses for you. Our On-Demand learning style allows students to complete course instruction on their own time, schedule and learning pace.
Ready to sign your child up for courses? Discover all of Optima Academy Online’s offerings by viewing our Full Course List.